About Us at Social Cooking
It's time to learn more about us at Social Cooking!
At Social Cooking we create and deliver world class team building events designed to enable our clients to achieve world class results.
Food brings people together, so it's Social Cooking’s vehicle for every event. Teamwork ensures that strong relationships are forged, so we ensure that our events require teamwork to succeed. The behaviours that we create though our events consistently, reliably, translate to the workplace.
Team building is something Social Cooking simply do better than anyone else.
Social Cooking enables companies to achieve better results through the development of more tightly integrated teams.
Team members gain confidence in themselves and each other through focused, fun-filled activities.
Positive, friendly, upbeat, confident, and professional, Social Cooking is a brand partner you can be proud to introduce to a colleague.
Inclusive and confidence-building, Social Cooking delivers shared, social experiences using a tried, tested formula that delivers reliable results. We’re always fun, never intimidating or over-whelming
How Social Cooking works
Because we know the strongest relationships are built over the dining table, we create moments for learning and sharing through food.
And because we know that the strongest teams are built by coming together to achieve something new, Social Cooking creates events where everyone on the team needs to cooperate to create something great.
We bring everyone on the journey, and bring everyone into the team. We use our creativity to stir things up, but we leave the wooden spoon at the door.
At Social Cooking, it's a reliable recipe
What this means for our customers
Social Cooking is a great experience for everyone on your team. Because Social Cooking lets people use familiar skills in new ways, they walk in the feeling like they are ready to play - and achieve.
Social Cooking events are fun, fast, competitive and social - your team will create memories they'll enjoy sharing, and they'll work together better after their Social Cooking experience.
Everyone's included, everyone wins. No one is left out, no one looks too silly, no one loses. Social Cooking challenges are designed to build confidence, no matter what your skill level.
Your Team is
More engaged
More productive
More connected
More profitable
We are available for breakfast, lunch, or dinner bookings. All Social Cooking events include the cost of our venue*, all your cooking ingredients and equipment, music, support staff, and judging. If you’d like a light snack to start your event, we can arrange platters for you.
The Social Cooking premises is available in Auckland as a venue for meetings, photoshoots, promotional events, etc. Please contact us for more information and prices.*
If your group size requires a larger offsite venue, additional costs may be incurred.
In Auckland, Social Cooking experiences are hosted at our kitchen in Parnell, while in Wellington we operate as a pop-up in the inner city. Both venues are fully licensed.
All of our experiences can be taken offsite to locations of your choosing. We’ve hosted at such diverse locations as Eden Park, Hampton Downs, and Queenstown.
Meet the Social Cooking team
Katrina Horton
Alina Bista
Jacqueline Edie